Why is it worth consuming goat cheese?
Goat cheese is becoming a popular alternative to cow milk products. The reasons why people choose to supplement their diet with goat cheese are different, often because of the allergy to the proteins present in cow milk or other health aspects. Goat milk chees is also appreciated for their richness in nutritional properties and for their positive impact on our digestion. Before introducing goat products to your diet, it is worth reading the advantages of these products in order to be aware of the impact they have on our health. Nutritional values Goat cheese constitutes a treasure chest of nutritional values, but their advantage is also the lack or very small amounts of undesirable ingredients in food products. Starting from the values we find in goat cheese, the first on the list is B13 vitamin, which is responsible for tissue regeneration in the elderly, and for cell building in the case of the younger ones. Goat cheese contains twice as much of B13 as in other dairy products. The composition also includes large amounts of folic acid responsible for the formation and support of cell maturation. Goat cheese is also rich in potassium, which supports the work of the nervous system and brain, as well as in zinc, which supports pressure stabilization. The list of nutritional values also includes calcium, which strengthens bones and supports the process of blood clotting, as well as protein, which supports muscle building. It is easy to imagine the richness of these nutrients on the example of a glass with goat milk, which provides our body with 17% of the daily demand for protein and 33% of the daily demand for calcium. What can’t be found in goat cheese? In addition to the value of goat milk, it is also worth mentioning the animals from which milk is obtained. Goats are very clean and healthy animals. They can get rid of harmful elements from the body and can defend itselves against environmental pollution. There are no heavy metals present in goat cheese. Goats have a unique ability to effectively isolate and filter all impurities from this group and get rid of them from the body. In addition, goat milk contains little pesticide compared to cow milk. It contains a small number of bacteria and somatic cells. There are no pathogens or harmful substances. Goat cheese properties The richness of nutritional values is not the only advantage of goat cheese. It is easy to digest. This is due to the size of the fat balls, which are contained in goat milk They are small, so they are better digested and digestible. For comparison, goat milk can be digested in 20 minutes, while cow milk can be digested in 2 to 4 hours. Does goat cheese have lactose? Goat milk contains about 10% lactose. Because the lactose content is lower than in comparison to cow milk, people with lactose intolerance from cow milk often absorb goat milk better. The same applies to the protein present in goat milk, as it does not cause allergies in case of people allergic to cow milk protein. Easier digestibility of goat milk is also caused by the previously mentioned fat balls, which facilitate digestion. The taste of goat cheese The taste of goat cheese is often described as bitter and spicy, but the market offers goat cheese with a mild taste. An example of such products are Meelania goat cheeses, which are an exceptionally mild version of goat cheese, therefore they will appeal to everyone, even those who do not like the taste of goat milk. Goat cheese is also available in various versions. We have soft, semi-hard cheese and goat cheese in the form of a blue cheese roulade.
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